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SF-6 Emission Reduction Partnership for Electric Power Systems

An Effective Practice


The SF6 Emission Reduction Partnership for Electric Power Systems is a collaborative effort between EPA and the electric power industry to identify and implement cost-effective solutions to reduce sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions. SF6 is a highly potent greenhouse gas used in the industry for insulation and current interruption in electric transmission and distribution equipment.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to reduce sulfur hexafluoride emissions from electric power systems.

Results / Accomplishments

Over 60 companies have joined the partnership representing roughly 45% of the industry. Since the inception of the partnership, these companies have reduced SF6 emissions by 278,000 pounds. That's equivalent to eliminating the CO2 emissions of 500,000 cars per year.

About this Promising Practice

US Environmental Protection Agency
Primary Contact
Sally Rand
US EPA SF6 Emission Reduction Partnership for Electric Power Systems
MC 6207J
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 343-9739
Environmental Health / Air
Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants
Environmental Health / Weather & Climate
US Environmental Protection Agency
Date of publication
Additional Audience
Electric Power Systems
Santa Cruz