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Every 15 Minutes

An Effective Practice


The goal of Every 15 Minutes is to prevent deaths by highlighting the dangers associated with drunk driving and texting while driving.

Every 15 Minutes is delivered over two days and involves the participation of students, parents, teachers, administrators, health systems, and law enforcement officials. On the first day, students who have been previously selected are called out of class every 15 minutes. A police officer then reads an obituary for each student and the student returns as the "living dead," complete with white face make-up, black clothing, and a coroner's tag. After lunch on the same day, a simulated traffic collision is made viewable on school grounds complete with rescue workers treating a group of injured student participants. That night, all student participants sleep at a local hotel for an overnight student retreat to simulate separation from friends and family.

The next day, all student participants and their parents are reunited at a school assembly hosted by a police officer. During this assembly, all students are guided through the effects of losing a loved one due to a bad choice. In addition, the police officer stresses to students that the choice to consume alcohol and drive can affect many more people that just the person who drinks and also highlights the dangers of texting while driving.

Goal / Mission

The goal of Every 15 Minutes is to prevent deaths by highlighting the dangers associated with drunk driving and texting while driving.

Results / Accomplishments

In the 1999-2000 school year, 1,198 students from 47 schools participated in Every 15 Minutes and completed pre- and post-tests. Students reported significantly decreasing their numbers of daily and weekly drinking episodes. In addition, participants reported that they were significantly less likely to drive when drinking or be a passenger with a driver who had been drinking.

About this Promising Practice

Every 15 Minutes
Primary Contact
P.O. Box 20034
Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-0034
(484) 898-0390
Health / Prevention & Safety
Health / Adolescent Health
Every 15 Minutes
Date of implementation
Target Audience
Santa Cruz