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Success For All

An Evidence-Based Practice


Success for All (SFA) is a schoolwide, intensive educational intervention to detect and resolve literacy problems for school children in preschool through sixth grade, mostly in high-poverty schools. The program has different components, depending on each school's needs and available resources, but there is a common set of core elements to SFA. These main components include the following: The Schoolwide Reading Curriculum, Reading Tutors, Quarter Assessments and Regrouping, The Solutions Team, and the Program Facilitator.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to help all students achieve academic success at the highest levels.


Results suggest that students in the Success for All schools were achieving at significantly higher levels on three of the four reading outcomes as measured by the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test Revised (WRMT-R).

Results / Accomplishments

Success for All is one of the most widely implemented and researched interventions in the United States. The most recent and comprehensive evaluation of the program used a cluster-randomized trial. The evaluation finds school-level impacts of assignment to the intervention that are consistent with key aspects of the program theory and with past meta-analytic evidence on program effects. Specifically, the results suggest that students in the Success for All schools were achieving at significantly higher levels on three of the four reading outcomes as measured by the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test Revised (WRMT-R).

Across the four outcomes, the impact estimate for SFA assignment ranged from a standardized effect of approximately d=0.12 (Passage Comprehension) to d=0.25 (Word Attack). Three of the four outcomes-- Word Attack, Letter Identification, and Word Identification--were statistically significant. In all four models, the school-level mean pretest covariate was an important predictor of the outcome, and the fixed within-school posttest difference between baseline kindergarten and first grade students was between nearly half of one standard deviation and more than three-fourths of one standard deviation.

About this Promising Practice

Success For All Foundation
Primary Contact
Success For All Foundation
300 E. Joppa Road, Ste 500
Baltimore MD 21286
Education / Student Performance K-12
Education / Literacy
Success For All Foundation
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Model Programs Guide (MPG)
Date of publication
For more details
Target Audience
Santa Cruz