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National Association of Mothers' Centers (NAMC)

A Good Idea


Mothers' are the most important resource we have -- they quite literally hold the future in their hands. Yet, while the concept of motherhood is generally held in high esteem, the reality is that motherhood is entered into today with little support, training or preparation. All but gone are the close knit neighborhoods and nearby extended families of generations past. Women entering motherhood today are often beset with intense feelings of isolation and uncertainty. What they need is reassurance, good information and a connection to others with whom they can share their new experiences and gain insight. That is precisely what a Mothers' Center has to offer.

Since 1975, women who want a place where they can meet other mothers and discuss issues relevant to themselves and their families have established Mothers' Centers in their neighborhoods. Mothers' Centers are self sustaining, non-profit groups where mothers meet, engage in discussion groups, enjoy a respite from their child caretaking role (childcare is available while the Mothers' participate in groups), and help keep their center going through cooperative responsibility. Center members can use their expertise and talents while trying out new skills. Central to the Mothers' Center's work is the creation of an environment where all mothers can feel comfortable. A center supports each woman's effort to become informed and active on her own behalf, and on behalf of her family. Many women tell us that they are renewed, invigorated, enlightened and feel better about themselves and more bonded to their babies as a result of their Mothers' Center participation. At a Mothers' Center women gain knowledge, skills and understanding and that translates into healthier families and communities.

Goal / Mission

The vision of the NAMC is to enable members to be effective in using their individual and collective knowledge and experience as catalysts for personal and societal changes that benefit mothers and families.

Results / Accomplishments

Results include the following: Over 35 MCs are currently operating nationwide; through these centers, individuals and groups have taken on advocacy and community projects. An MC program has been piloted in conjunction with other agencies for women in transitional housing. The NAMC has created mother/daughter programming for moms and their pre-teen daughters, we're piloting Circle of Caring groups to serve mothers recovering from post-partum depression, and the MC program model has also been incorporated into corporate settings. The NAMC does advocacy with its initiative entitled MOTHERS (Mothers Ought To Have Equal Rights) to highlight the economic impact of being a caregiver in the US, and we offer an annual Work/Life Conference since 1996 to make the business case for the benefits of flexible options for both employers and employees.

About this Promising Practice

National Association of Mother Centers (NAMC)
Primary Contact
1740 Old Jericho Turnpike
Jericho NY 11753
(516) 939-MOMS
Community / Community & Business Resources
National Association of Mother Centers (NAMC)
UN Habitat
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Target Audience
Women, Families
Santa Cruz