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Partners on the PATH

A Good Idea


To help older adults in Kent County with chronic conditions gain more control of their health and increase their confidence in dealing with the challenges of living with a chronic disease, the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan (AAAWM) selected PATH (Personal Action Toward Health), a program based on the research-proven Stanford model of Chronic Disease Self-Management (CDSMP). The CDSMP is a self-management program designed to address a broad spectrum of chronic diseases. The program seeks to promote increases in participants’ positive health behaviors, health status, and self-efficacy with regard to disease management and to reduce inappropriate health care utilization. Participants complete a 6-8 week workshop, taught by a trained lay leader, covering topics such as managing disease symptoms, medication management, and communications with health care providers. Workshops offer highly interactive strategies such as skills mastery, modeling, and group problem solving.

Goal / Mission

The project seeks to model how the aging network in partnership with a managed care plan can improve the health outcomes for older adults.

Results / Accomplishments

The Western Michigan PATH project brings this program to 200 seniors in Kent County, Michigan.

About this Promising Practice

Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan
Primary Contact
Nora Barkey
1279 Cedar NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 456-5692
Health / Older Adults
Health / Other Conditions
Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan
National Council on Aging's Center for Healthy Aging
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Grand Rapids, MI
Target Audience
Older Adults
Santa Cruz