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Food Day

A Good Idea


Food Day is a campaign to promote six principles: (1) reduce diet-related disease by promoting safe, healthy foods; (2) support sustainable farms and limit subsidies to big agribusiness; (3) expand access to food and alleviate hunger; (4) protect the environment and animals by reforming factory farms; (5) promote health by curbing junk-food marketing to kids; and (6) support fair conditions for food and farm workers. Through partnerships between many local and national organizations, events are organized around the country on a single day to promote healthier food policy and eating habits among Americans. The first Food Day was held on October 24, 2011, and will continue to be held on this date in subsequent years.

Funding for Food Day comes from a variety of local and national organizations.

Goal / Mission

Food Day seeks to bring together Americans from all walks of life to push for healthy, affordable food produced in a sustainable, humane way.

Results / Accomplishments

On the first Food Day in 2011, a total of 2,300 registered events took place in 50 states. These events used a multitude of methods to raise awareness about food related health problems, educate children and adults on healthy eating practices, involve government leaders in improving food policy, and form new collaborations to continue progress towards healthier food in America beyond Food Day. Resources are available at to help community members plan and organize future Food Day events.

About this Promising Practice

Center for Science in the Public Interest
Primary Contact
Food Day
1220 L Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Health / Physical Activity
Community / Civic Engagement
Environmental Health / Energy & Sustainability
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Target Audience
Children, Teens, Adults, Older Adults, Families, Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Santa Cruz