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Individuals and Communities Acting Now to (I CAN) Prevent Diabetes

An Effective Practice


Individuals and Communities Acting Now to (I CAN) Prevent Diabetes is a community-based lifestyle change program for people with pre-diabetes. Health officials in the Minnesota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program established the I CAN Prevent Diabetes program based on the Diabetes Prevention Program study that showed people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes could prevent or delay the disease through weight loss and physical activity. The evidence-based program works with many partners, including health care providers, insurers, and employers, to increase participation and reimburse the cost of pre-diabetes services. Participants learn how to balance their lifestyles, lose weight, and stay physically active through the 16 weeks of classes sponsored by the program. I CAN Prevent Diabetes has trained and certified 90 lifestyle coaches to deliver the program to diverse groups in multiple settings.

Goal / Mission

To provide the tools to prevent or delay adult type 2 diabetes.

Results / Accomplishments

I CAN Prevent Diabetes was piloted in four communities from 2007-2009 and is currently being expanded to other sites. Through the efforts of this program, the detection of pre-diabetes cases in Minnesota rose from 2.4% in 2004 to 5.3% in 2008. In addition, I CAN Prevent Diabetes participants lost an average of 5.7% of their body weight.

About this Promising Practice

Minnesota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
Primary Contact
Health / Diabetes
Health / Prevention & Safety
Minnesota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Santa Cruz