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Ellis Street Apartments

A Good Idea


The Ellis Street Apartments operated by Larkin Street Youth Services, offer young people who do not have a stable housing situation an opportunity to live regular city apartment life enhanced with the help that they need to maintain permanent housing. Ellis Street Apartments include a full range of social services and on-site case management. A Larkin Street Youth Services office is located just down the street so that residents can easily access the employment services, job training and education programs. Ellis Street Apartments are available for long-term tenants, providing independence with a safety net for at-risk youth transitioning to adulthood.

Goal / Mission

To provide an independent living situation with support services for at-risk youths aged 18 to 24.

Results / Accomplishments

In 2009, over 70% of Ellis Street Apartment residents participated in voluntary case management and 100% of those who exited the program transitioned to stable and independent housing situations.

About this Promising Practice

Larkin Street Youth Services
Primary Contact
Larkin Street Youth Services
701 Sutter Street, Suite 2
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 673-0911
Health / Adolescent Health
Community / Social Environment
Larkin Street Youth Services
Geographic Type
San Francisco, CA
For more details
Target Audience
Santa Cruz