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Diamond Youth Shelter

A Good Idea


The Diamond Youth Shelter provides temporary housing for youth aged 12 to 17 in emergency situations. Teens who cannot return to their homes due to safety concerns or because their parents or guardians are unable or unwilling to care for them often end up sleeping on the streets. Life on the streets present young people with a different set of safety concerns and have detrimental effects on normal development. In order to keep these kids safe and off the streets, Diamond Youth Shelter offers temporary shelter.

The immediate needs of the children who come to Diamond Youth Shelter are identified and met (bed, food, clothes, medical help). Shortly after arrival, counselors contact the parents or guardians to determine if a reunion is possible. If reunion is not an option, staff members help the children access longer-term solutions through Larkin Street Youth Services. Throughout the process, crisis counseling is available and the children have access to a safe and stable environment, food and laundry services at Diamond Youth Shelter.

Goal / Mission

To provide emergency shelter to homeless or runaway youth aged 12 to 17.

Results / Accomplishments

Diamond Youth Shelter provided emergency, short-term housing to over 100 youth ages 12 to 17 in 2009. Upon leaving the shelter, 83% of the youth transitioned to a positive living situation by reuniting with their family or by entering a group home or transitional living facility.

About this Promising Practice

Larkin Street Youth Services
Primary Contact
Larkin Street Youth Services
701 Sutter Street, Suite 2
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 673-0911
Health / Adolescent Health
Community / Social Environment
Larkin Street Youth Services
Geographic Type
San Francisco, CA
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Teens
Santa Cruz