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Flex Your Power Case Study: Elihu M Harris State Building

An Evidence-Based Practice

This practice has been Archived and is no longer maintained.


Between June 2000 and 2001, the the Elihu Harris State Office Building in Oakland, CA implemented conservation improvements in lighting, heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) and plug-in loads. Elihu Harris’ chief engineer and engineering staff, with assistance from a Johnson Controls Service technician, gathered information on motor and lighting loads, utility bills and variable air volume (VAV) programming data through equipment surveys, fixture audits, building automation system (BAS) data and the utility website. The staff used the information to assess the feasibility, cost and return on investment of various energy projects. The Elihu Harris engineering staff, led by the chief engineer and assisted by the Johnson Controls Service technician, managed all energy conservation projects for the building.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program was to improve the energy efficiency of the Elihu Harris State Office Building.

Results / Accomplishments

In June 2000, Elihu Harris’ total peak KW load was 1,416 KW (based on combined calculations of the average peaks for June/July/August season and the total load on the building during the time the building was closed – about 50 percent of each weekday). In June 2001, total peak KW load was 2,015 during normal operations and 1,300 during Stage 2 or 3 electrical emergencies. Between June 2000 and June 2001, Elihu Harris realized:
- 387 KW reductions in lighting, HVAC and plugin loads, or 13 percent.
- 346 KW in additional curtailments during Stage 2 and 3 electrical emergencies, or 12 percent.

About this Promising Practice

CA Department of General Services
Primary Contact
Lynn Westhoven
1515 Clay St., Suite 113
Oakland, CA, 94612
(510) 622-2568
Environmental Health / Energy & Sustainability
CA Department of General Services
Flex Your Power Efficiency Partnership
Date of implementation
San Francisco
Santa Cruz