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Hartslag Limburg (Heartbeat Limburg)

An Evidence-Based Practice


Hartslag Limburg (Heartbeat Limburg) is a cardiovascular disease prevention program. The intervention uses community-based health promotion to reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the general population by encouraging inhabitants to become more active, reduce their fat intake, and stop smoking. The program integrates a population-wide strategy aimed at all inhabitants and a subgroup strategy focused on individuals with multiple physical risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Municipal authorities, the Regional Public Health Institute Maastrict, community social work organizations, and regional community healthcare organizations collaborate through nine local health committees that organize activities to promote and facilitate healthy lifestyles. Between 1999 and 2003, 790 interventions were implemented, including computer-tailored nutrition education, nutrition education tours in supermarkets, television programs, food clubs, walking and cycling campaigns, and smoking cessation campaigns. A multimedia campaign to promote heart health includes brochures, newspaper columns, a daily TV exercise program, radio commercials, and billboards.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the Hartslag Limburg intervention is to reduce heart disease among low-income, high-risk community members.

Results / Accomplishments

This intervention was studied using a cohort study comparing the 5-year mean change in risk factors between the intervention community and a control community. Individuals in the intervention community reduced or prevented age- and time-related increase in body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, blood pressure, and non-fasting serum glucose concentration. Risk factors changed unfavorably in the reference group. The adjusted difference in mean change in these risk factors between intervention and reference group was significant (p < 0.05). The intervention group also significantly decreased fat intake and increased physical activity intentions.

About this Promising Practice

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Primary Contact
Jantine Schuit, PhD
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA
Bilthoven, The Netherlands
+31 30 2742945
Health / Heart Disease & Stroke
Health / Physical Activity
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Date of publication
Mar 2006
Date of implementation
Maastricht, Netherlands
For more details
Santa Cruz