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Commit 2B Fit

An Effective Practice


The Commit 2B Fit program promotes daily physical activity and healthy eating habits in children and their families. The program encourages children to set physical activity and nutrition goals and provides rewards for progress. Families are involved through educational outreach by community and corporate partners. Commit 2B Fit trains teachers and physical education instructors, who in turn enroll students in the program. They lead students in physical activities, distribute affirmation charms, and assist them in keeping a journal recording their physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption. Commit 2B Fit offers in-school programming, after-school programming, summer camp programming, and a program that focuses on walking and biking.

Goal / Mission

The goal of Commit 2B Fit is to educate and motivate children to be physically active and develop healthy eating habits.

Results / Accomplishments

Commit 2B Fit has trained hundreds of teachers and provided programming to over 100,000 students and their families. An evaluation from the 2007-2008 school year showed that students reported that they had changed the way they eat and increased physical activity as a result of the program (74%), and that logging their activities helped them remember to increase activity and fruit and vegetable consumption (77%). Parents reported that the program assisted their family in healthy food choices (79%), and helped their children be more active (61%). Teachers thought that goal setting helped increase physical activity and nutrition among students (80%) and reported that their own food choices were improved through their involvement in the program (75%).

About this Promising Practice

Commit 2B Fit, Inc.
Primary Contact
Mary E Medina, Director of Programs
Commit 2B Fit
(561) 347-0576
Health / Children's Health
Health / Wellness & Lifestyle
Commit 2B Fit, Inc.
Date of publication
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Families
Santa Cruz