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Take Charge Challenge

A Good Idea


The Take Charge Challenge, originally developed as a worksite health promotion program, now has been expanded to the population of people with disabilities. It is a 10-week physical activity program wherein one identifies his/her stage of readiness to engage in physical activity, sets his/her own activity goal- and works towards those goals.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to encourage people with disabilities to increase levels of physical activity by means of a behavior change physical activity program, the Take Charge Challenge (TCC).

Results / Accomplishments

This program serves up to 250 people per year, helping them to achieve better health and fitness and to reduce health disparities among people living with a disability.

About this Promising Practice

New Mexico Department of Health Office of Disability and Health
Primary Contact
Susan O. Gray
1190 St. Francis Dr., Suite N1055
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(505) 827-2976
Health / Disabilities
Health / Physical Activity
New Mexico Department of Health Office of Disability and Health
American Public Health Association (APHA)
Date of publication
New Mexico
For more details
Additional Audience
People with Disabilities
Santa Cruz