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Jumpstart: Connect Early

An Effective Practice


Jumpstart pairs college students with preschool students for two-hour sessions twice per week at participating preschools. These sessions include one-on-one reading time; circle time activities such as singing, finger-plays and movement games; and choice time in which the children create and plan an activity of their choice. These activities incorporate literacy, language and social interaction skills. In addition, the program provides learning activities for the home in order to promote family involvement.

In return for their service, college student volunteers can engage in academic, service-learning courses and upon graduation are eligible for teacher fellowships to support work in low-income early childhood education centers.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the Jumpstart program is to build language and social skills in preschool children by providing one-on-one mentoring with college students throughout the school year.

Results / Accomplishments

In the 2008-2009 school year, over 4,000 Corps members are working one-to-one with over 15,000 at-risk preschoolers in 20 states and the District of Columbia. The organization has partnered with over 300 early childhood centers and 74 colleges and universities.

A randomized, experimental study conducted from 1999-2003 found significant positive impacts on children's language, literacy, and social outcomes during and after participation in the program.

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
Jumpstart National Office
308 Congress Street
6th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
(617) 542-5867
Education / Childcare & Early Childhood Education
Education / Literacy
Date of publication
Target Audience
Santa Cruz