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Reconnecting Youth

An Effective Practice


Reconnecting Youth is a program that helps high-risk youth succeed in school and decrease drug use, anger, depression, and suicidal behavior. The school-based program is designed for students aged 14-18 years. The program helps students develop skills and strategies for dealing with risk factors associated with school, peers, self and family. The program curriculum uses small group skills training in order to enhance personal competencies and social support resources. The lessons are fast-paced and interactive, incorporating many different learning styles. The students learn life skills that enhance protective factors associated with self-esteem enhancement, decision-making, personal control, and interpersonal communication. The Reconnecting Youth class is part of the high-school curriculum, meeting daily or on a block schedule, and is offered for credit and graded.

Goal / Mission

The Reconnecting Youth program has three main goals: 1) increase school performance; 2) decrease drug involvement; and 3) decrease suicide-risk behaviors.


Significant increases in positive connections with teachers, friends, and family members; significant improvements in GPA; lasting reductions in hard drug use; decreases in anger-control problems; reductions in depression and hopelessness; and increases in enhancing personal control were observed.

Results / Accomplishments

When implemented as designed the program is likely to be effective for multiple, co-occurring problems common among high-risk youth. Studies have shown that compared to a control group, students participating in the Reconnecting Youth courses for 2+ semesters showed significant improvements. Outcomes included greater increases in positive connections with teachers, friends, and family members; significant improvements in GPA; lasting reductions in hard drug use; decreases in anger-control problems; reductions in depression and hopelessness; and increases in enhancing personal control.

About this Promising Practice

Reconnecting Youth, Inc.
Primary Contact
Reconnecting Youth Inc.
PO Box 20343
Seattle, WA 98102
(425) 861-1177
Education / Student Performance K-12
Health / Adolescent Health
Health / Prevention & Safety
Reconnecting Youth, Inc.
Date of publication
For more details
Target Audience
Santa Cruz