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TD Green Streets

A Good Idea


TD Green Streets is Canada's only nationally-based urban forestry innovation program. Since 1994, the program has awarded funding to more than 500 communities, improving municipal green spaces and diversifying urban canopies. Communities across the nation are eligible to receive matching grants of up to $15,000 to support local urban forestry projects. Projects are encouraged to adopt innovative urban forest planning and planting techniques, policy and best management practices workshops, outreach and educational activities on innovative practices including arboricultural practices, innovative management tools to protect and maintain the urban forest, and innovative urban design which showcases "green infrastructure." Green infrastructure is the use of trees, shrubs and other plants as an integrated part of urban design such that the environmental health and quality of life for communities is maximized.

Goal / Mission

TD Green Streets strives to green cities and towns across Canada by supporting innovative practices in municipal forestry.


TD Green Streets supports innovative practices in community forestry and has awarded funding to more than 500 communities across Canada. In 2012, 25 projects were funded resulting in the planting of 16,344 trees & shrubs nationwide.

Results / Accomplishments

In 2012, 25 projects were funded with $15,000 matching grants provided to each municipality. A total of 16,344 trees & shrubs were planted nationwide.

About this Promising Practice

Tree Canada
Primary Contact
Marie-Paule Godin
470 Somerset Street West, Unit 1
Ottawa, ON K1R 5J8
613-567-5545 ext 221
Environmental Health / Built Environment
Environmental Health / Air
Tree Canada
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Adults
Santa Cruz