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The Duluth, Minnesota, Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP) Advocacy Response

An Effective Practice


The Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP) began in 1980 as the first project of its kind to coordinate every criminal justice agency in one city in an effort to deliver justice for battered women. This project served as a model nationally and internationally. The DAIP collaborates with the area shelter for battered women to provide advocacy for battered women while they work through the legal system.

Goal / Mission

The mission of DAIP is to provide advocacy on behalf of battered women. DAIP staff provide information and assess the women's safety regardless of the situation, but they also offer advocacy at three key time periods: immediately after police intervention and arrest, throughout the court proceedings, and after case disposition. The advocates offer support and information about available community resources, explain the criminal court process, describe the civil court remedies available, and obtain information from the women in order to serve as their liaisons to the legal system and to ascertain the level of danger that each woman is in.

Results / Accomplishments

Due to DAIP's success, in 1991 the Minnesota Legislature mandated that each of the 38 Legislative Assignment Districts establish an intervention project coordinated by a battered women's advocacy group. As of 1997, there were 44 intervention projects in Minnesota.

About this Promising Practice

Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP)
Primary Contact
Linda Riddle, Executive Director
202 East Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 722-2781 x124
Community / Domestic Violence & Abuse
Health / Women's Health
Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP)
Violence Against Women Online Resources
Date of publication
Duluth, MN
For more details
Target Audience
Santa Cruz