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West Harlem Waterfront Park Project

An Effective Practice


In 1998, the NYC Economic Development Corporation issued a Request For Proposals for the development of a waterfront site in West Harlem. The West Harlem community felt the proposed uses, which included a hotel and motel, were inappropriate and unresponsive to community needs. To address this issue, West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc. (WE ACT) and other concerned Harlem residents used organizational methods, strong advocacy, and support by civic and environmental groups to persuade the NYC Economic Development Corporation not to select either of the development proposals.

Working with over 200 residents, elected officials, and representatives from the New York City Parks Department, a community vision plan for the waterfront was developed and submitted to the NYC Economic Development Corporation (EDC) by WE ACT in 1999. In late 2000, EDC scrapped its requests for proposals for commercial development at the site and developed a master plan based on the Harlem-on-the-River community plan.

Goal / Mission

The goals of the West Harlem Waterfront Park Program are to bridge green spaces along the Hudson River and enhance waterfront access, economic development, and regional transportation alternatives in the West Harlem community.

Results / Accomplishments

Approval for the final West Harlem Waterfront Park plan came in 2003, and a groundbreaking took place in October 2005. Construction of the park is anticipated to be completed in 2008. WE ACT has also created a non-profit entity, the Harlem Waterfront Council , to aid in the management of the park, as well as educate the general public, media, public officials and community residents on the importance of the Harlem Piers.

About this Promising Practice

West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc.
Primary Contact
WE ACT for Environmental Justice (WE ACT)
271 West 125th Street, Suite 308
New York, New York 10027-4424
Environmental Health / Environmental Justice
Environmental Health / Built Environment
West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc.
Date of implementation
Geographic Type
New York
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Adults
Santa Cruz