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Average Household Income: 2+ Races

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Average Household Income: 2+ Races

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 8,

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$74,128 - $79,205
$79,205 - $111,602
$111,602 - $132,500
$132,500 - $170,015
$170,015 - $190,952
Countysort column Dollarssort column
Santa Cruz $135,448
Regionsort column Dollarssort column
Mid-County $148,627
North County $131,877
San Lorenzo Valley $173,229
South County $120,720
Zip Codesort column Dollarssort column
95003 $152,084
95005 $190,952
95006 $170,015
95007 $99,881
95010 $111,602
95012 $118,691
95017 $79,205
95018 $160,264
95019 $95,850
95033 $182,046
95041 $132,500
95060 $131,835
95062 $124,150
95064 $74,128
95065 $146,051
95066 $165,460
95073 $186,417
95076 $122,594
Statesort column Dollarssort column
California $108,394

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.
Santa Cruz