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Median Household Income: 2+ Races

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Median Household Income: 2+ Races

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 8,

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$46,364 - $86,051
$86,051 - $116,266
$116,266 - $148,750
$148,750 - $200,001
Countysort column Dollarssort column
Santa Cruz $118,984
Regionsort column Dollarssort column
Mid-County $145,704
North County $117,236
San Lorenzo Valley $176,848
South County $96,571
Zip Codesort column Dollarssort column
95003 $148,110
95005 $200,001
95006 $176,966
95007 $69,318
95010 $107,955
95012 $101,250
95017 $75,000
95018 $144,231
95019 $86,051
95033 $200,001
95041 $115,000
95060 $116,266
95062 $100,928
95064 $46,364
95065 $148,750
95066 $177,647
95073 $187,013
95076 $97,364
Statesort column Dollarssort column
California $90,032

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.
Santa Cruz